Do I need to upgrade my septic?
Answer a few questions in our Septic Upgrade Calculator to see if your Suffolk County, NY residential construction project might trigger the requirement to upgrade your septic system.
Determining if a septic upgrade is required is a nuanced process that requires an interpretation of rules from multiple municipalities along with a detailed analysis of the proposed work. The Septic Upgrade Calculator is meant to provide an idea if a septic upgrade might be required and is not a substitute for professional judgment as a result of reviewing all available facts and documentation. It is important to engage the right design professional early on to avoid any confusion or unnecessary delays later in the project. Feel free to leave us a message or give a call and we would be happy to discuss your options with you.
What Town or Village is the property located in?
What is the scope of your project?
Could the project be classified as a Major Reconstruction?
A project can be classified as a major reconstruction if the project cost is greater than 50% of the appraised value of the structure only.
Will the accessory structure be attached to the house?
Select yes if the structures will share a foundation or be connected by interior (conditioned) space.
Will the proposed work result in the addition of any "potential" bedrooms beyond what has been previously approved?
Any room besides a single kitchen/dining room/living room/study would be counted as a bedroom by the Suffolk County Department of Health. The following would NOT count as bedrooms: bathrooms, mudrooms, foyers, laundry rooms, pantries, closets, and mechanical rooms.
Is there ANY work being proposed to the main house?
Is the property located in the Town of Brookhaven designation Nitrogen Protection Zone?
The NPZ encompasses an area within 500 feet of surface waters such as the Atlantic Ocean, Long Island Sound, the Great South Bay, the Forge River, the Carmans River, and other rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, ditches or canals within the Town of Brookhaven.
Does the scope of work result in a 25% or more increase in gross floor area?
Was the structure constructed on or before 12/31/1986?
Is the property located within 300' of any freshwater or tidal wetlands?
The following resource may help determine if there may be wetlands nearby however proximity to wetlands should always be verified with the NYSDEC and/or the local municipality's Natural Resources Department.
Does the scope of work result in a 10% or more increase in gross floor area as indicated on earliest C/O?
Does the scope of work result in a 50% or more increase in gross floor area as indicated on earliest C/O?
Yes, you will need a septic update
Based on your responses, it appears that a septic upgrade would be required. Feel free to leave us a message or give a call and we would be happy to discuss your options with you.
Maybe, you might need a septic upgrade
Based on your responses, there might be a chance that a septic system would be required. The final determination may depend on the scope of work and its actual proximity to any nearby wetlands. In these cases, we recommend working with an environmental consultant. Feel free to leave us a message or give a call and we would be happy to discuss your options with you.
No, you will likely not need a septic upgrade
Based on your responses, it appears that a septic upgrade will likely not be required. Feel free to leave us a message or give a call and we would be happy to discuss further.
Standalone system
Based on your responses, it appears that a standalone system would be required for the accessory structure you are proposing. For a more detailed assessment of your options, please reach out to discuss your project.