Do I need a HERS Rating?
Answer a few questions using our HERS Rating calculator to see if your Suffolk County, NY residential construction project might trigger the requirement for a HERS Rating.
Determining if a HERS rating is required is a nuanced process that requires an interpretation of rules from multiple municipalities along with a detailed analysis of the proposed work. This HERS Rating calculator is meant to provide an idea if a HERS might be required and is not a substitute for professional judgement as a result of reviewing all available facts and documentation. It is important to engage the right design professional early on to avoid any confusion or unnecessary delays later in the project. Feel free to send us a message or give a call and we would be happy to discuss your options with you.
Which Township is the project located in?
Is the project located within one of the following Villages?
Is the project located within one of the following Villages?
Is the project located within one of the following Villages?
Is the project located within one of the following Villages?
Is the project located within one of the following Villages?
What is the scope of your project?
Will the accessory structure be attached to the house?
Select yes if the structures will share a foundation or be connected by interior (conditioned) space.
Would the proposed scope of work be considered a substantial reconstruction?
A substantial reconstruction is defined as construction that includes the removal and replacement of the ceiling, interior finishes of a dwelling which expose the exterior framing, and more than 50% of any windows, exterior doors, or HVAC building system.

Yes, you will need a HERS rating
Based on your responses, it appears that a HERS rating would be required. Feel free to leave us a message or give a call and we would be happy to discuss your options with you.